Saturday, September 14, 2019

Some Dispersed series of mewar paintings

Maharana jagat Singh and his son Raj Singh both were great Patron of mewar paintings. Many illustrated series of Ramayana, Bhagavata purana, sure Sagar, Rasikapriya and Gita Govinda painted.

Present Bhagavata purana series illustrated under Raj Singh's patronage. However his father maharana jagat Singh already have illustrated edition of Bhagavata by sahibdin and Manohar.

Present painting depicted avatar of Vishnu. First adinarayana, second varaha, third Narada, then Nara-Narayana, kapil, Dattatreya, then yagna, rishabha and prithu avatar.

Kanoria collection

In Present painting, Krishna attacks on bhishma and finally slays by Arjuna. On occasion of uttarayana he leave his body.

Bhagavata (Freer gallery)

After great Battle of Mahabharata, Krishna bids farewell and went to dwarka.

San Diego museum of art

Vritrasura fight with God indra.

Fol 17 (Allahabad museum)

Verso, episode when makes take newborn child of devaki and vasudeva.

Brooklyn museum, kamsa try to kill newborn babygirl but she turn to the goddess and warn him.

Fol 21 (National museum, New Delhi)

Verso, kamsa order his demons to attack on break.

Kanoria collection, Demons attacks on yadavas.

Fol Unknown (Middlebury museum of art)

Yasoda check mouth of Krishna.

Kanoria collection, Krishna and balarama shift to vrindavan.

Nelson-Atkins museum, Krishna break mouth of aghasura.

Folio 43 (National museum, new Delhi), Krishna enter in mouth of aghasura.


Folio 45 (National museum, New Delhi), Brahma hides cow and friends of Krishna.


Folio 47 (National museum, new Delhi), Lunch at Forest


Folio 49 (National museum, New Delhi), Krishna fluting


Bharat kala Bhavan, Krishna swallowing fire.

Kanoria collection, Krishna swallowing fire.

Fol 66 (National museum, new Delhi), great rain on vraj.


Philadelphia museum of art, Krishna loft govardhan.

Fol Unknown (Indian museum), Krishna hold govardhan  mountain.

Fol Unknown (Indian museum), Nanda embracing Krishna.

Kanoria collection, salvation of sudarshan.

Fol 75 (Philadelphia museum of art), folks performing krishna-lila


Bharat kala Bhavan, Gopis searching for Krishna.

Fol 77 (Philadelphia museum of art), Krishna with favourite gopi


Fol 83, Krishna fights with arishta bull.


Fol 84 (National museum, New Delhi), Narada pray Krishna after death of keshi horse.


Kanoria collection, King nriga doing charity.

Kanoria collection, Bath on solar eclipse.

Sarangatatva or sarangdhar was popular series because at least five illustrated manuscript are prepared during reign of Jai Singh. His own series preserve in government museum, udaipur. Second series vertical form in Hindi preserve in government museum too. Rest three are Dispersed. One of them in Sanskrit. While two of them are in Hindi.

Folio 1 (private collection)

Folio 2 (private collection)

Folio 3

Folio 4 (private collection)

Folio 5 (private collection)

Folio 13 (private collection)

Folio 14 (salarjung museum)

Folio 18

Folio 19

Folio 31 (salarjung museum)

Fol 33 (34)

Folio 35 (Detroit museum of art, 35)

Folio 50

Folio 54

Fol 61

Fol 64

Folio 65 (Detroit museum of art)

Folio 80 (private collection)

Folio 81

Fol 86

Fol 88

Folio 95 (70)

Folio 108

Two paintings give below are probably from two different Hindi sarangdhar series

Fol 15

Fol 43 (Met museum)

Present series is kiratarjuna (By bharavi) series probably painted in jaisingh reign. All pages give below are preserve in national museum, new Delhi.

Fol 6

Fol 23

Fol 32

Fol 33

Fol 36

Fol 40

Fol 42

Fol 43

Fol 44

Fol 46

Fol 47

The present series is generally refer as 'Asana series' . Two different series painted. The paintings depicted Kamasna or bhogasana probably from kamasutra. The series painted in reign of maharana sangram Singh second.

Fol 19 - Trambal asana

Fol 22 - kamat asana

Fol 24 - Hitpati asana

Fol 30 - abhaya asana

Fol 30 (Philadelphia museum of art) - Abhaya asana

Fol 37 - Bhogras asana

Fol 46 (Allahabad museum) - nand Asana

Fol 46 (Harvard museum of art) - Nand asana

Fol 47 - mrugmad asana

Fol 52 - sejbaran asana

Fol 52 - sejbaran asana

Fol 57 - pragash asana

Fol 58 - kushal asana

Fol 66 - Rajrath asana

Fol 74 - pankhi asana

Fol 76 - sarpagraha asana

Fol 8_ - Nagkanth asana

Baksaar Asana (Allahabad museum)

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